Sunday, October 14, 2012

A similar color scheme as the painting I did last tuesday.  I lightened the overall values in the piece.  I used different kinds of flowers, but so many of the fall flowers are yellows and golds.  I had a few Zinnias left from the garden and they added some real vibrancy to the focal point.  The copper tea kettle was fun!
Zinnias and Marigolds           20x24  o/c


  1. La casualidad me a llevado asta tu bloc.
    tengo que decir que me gusta mucho tus obras,
    con tu permiso visitare tu bloc para seguir
    tus nuevos trabajos.
    saludos Barbara.

    1. Thank you Juan. I would be pleased to have you follow my work and share with any one that you think might enjoy it too! Have a great day!
