Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Red Amaryllis (day 1)

I've been having some problems with stiffness in my shoulder, (painter's shoulder!) so I'm trying a little different approach to my painting  this time.  Usually I do this all day painting marathon with very little break.  I get lost in the work and sometimes have been known to forget to eat all day!  Some might think that to be a bit OCD......ummm, maybe...
With this painting, especially because it is fairly large, I am going to work on it in stages. Because I like to work alla prima (wet-into-wet ) I have to approach the overall painting in sections to keep the area I'm working on still wet.  I also have chosen a subject that doesn't sit still for long..the Amaryllis is constantly moving and the flowers change quickly.  I knew that I had to get the flowers pretty well described in one day because by tomorrow they will look entirely different.
My plan is to post the painting in progress....today's posting is step 1.
I hope you enjoy following me along, and welcome your thoughts!
Thank you for viewing my art!

1 comment:

  1. It is gorgeous already. Looking forward to seeing the next stage.
    Take care of that shoulder
